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It’s the Margin that Counts

Dwight Lee

Dec 12, 2019

CSE 1.3 Decisions are made at the margin.


Unravel the complexities of how economists use core principles to navigate the real-world without giving in to utopian illusions. Delve into why embracing realities like scarcity, opportunity costs, marginal thinking, and market dynamics is essential for insightful economic analysis and success. While listening to this audio, focus on marginal considerations to explain why they are crucial for making informed decisions and avoiding unintended consequences in economic policies.

The fundamental economic concept of marginalism and the distinction between marginal and total value help explain why certain occupations are paid differently. Additionally, marginal thinking highlights one of the unintended consequences of government intervention through minimum wage laws. When the government sets price floors by law, increased unemployment is expected in certain professions. This occurs when the law raises the price of certain types of labor above the value delivered by the workers based on their experience levels, skills, and more. Many will find this quite thought-provoking! #Economics #MarginalValue #PriceFloors #GovernmentInterventionFloors #GovernmentIntervention


It’s the Margin that Counts
00:00 / 08:08
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