Hot Topics and Supplementals
Module A: Demand, Supply, and Adjustments to Dynamic Change
This supplemental unit extends CSE 1.6, “Prices bring the choices of buyers and sellers into balance.” (Reading PDF | Slide Deck PDF)

Module B GDP, Inflation, and Unemployment
Investigate GDP (Reading PDF), Inflation (Reading PDF), and Unemployment (Reading PDF) using the slide deck (Slide deck PDF).

Module D The Economics of the Great Depression and Great Recession
These slide decks and readings greatly complement the traditional treatment of fiscal and monetary policy during the Great Depression (1929-39) and Great Recession (2008). These slide decks investigate the series of changes in well-intended policies that contributed to the Great Depression and Great Recessions through their secondary effects. Great Depression Reading * Great Recession Reading | Slide Deck

Module F Economics, Markets, and Morality
Explore the interconnectedness economics, markets, and morality. PDF

Module C Fiscal and Monetary Policy
These readings and slide decks define fiscal and monetary policy and present popular responses to recessions and high inflation. Fiscal Policy
Reading PDF | Monetary Policy Reading PDF | Slide Deck

Module G The Economics of Poverty
Investigate market-based solutions to poverty and expand the anti-poverty policy responses to include secondary effects. PDF